▷ Wings Of Glory Script: Ai Autoplay

I spent a few hours working on this and don’t want to spend more time on it. You could easily change it to be an aim-bot, improve the AI, autofarm for wins, etc. However, as it stands, this script will usually crash into the ground or mountains and rarely get kills. That said, if you want to take parts of the script and change it, feel free. I don’t care about getting credit.

Script NameWings Of Glory Script
Script FeaturesAi Autoplay
Use OptionsCopy & Download
Update Date25.06.2024
if not game.Loaded then game.Loaded:Wait() end wait(5) — Make sure to have the script saved in your auto execute to have it be automated! — Also the script will take like 5-8 seconds to get started, added some prints to — show it’s working local MouseMovement = 4 — Would not recommend below 4 (changes how fast the mouse moves) local FireLength = 50 — how long the AI will shoot for local ReloadLength = 10 — how long inbetween shooting it will wait until it shoots again _G.Stop = false –Execute the script with this as true to make it stop ——————————————————- — ALSO, known bugs / things I wanted to do are commented throughout the code — And of course this could easily be made a GUI to make it 100x better print(“Starting”) local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local MainMenu = plr.PlayerGui:WaitForChild(“GUI”) local Cam = game.Workspace.Camera local Mouse = plr:GetMouse() function ClickUI(UI) for i,v in pairs(getconnections(UI.MouseButton1Click)) do v:Fire() end for i,v in pairs(getconnections(UI.MouseButton1Down)) do v:Fire() end end function Closest() — I wanted to make it so it’d stick with the closest instead of switching a bunch — But never got around to doing that 😛 local Lowest = 1e9 local Low = nil local Plane = game:GetService(“Workspace”).viewmodels:FindFirstChild(plr.Name) if not Plane then return nil end for i,v in pairs(game:GetService(“Workspace”).Camera[“plane_part_viewmodels”]:GetChildren()) do if v and v ~= plr.Name and v:FindFirstChild(“air_target_bb”) and v[“air_target_bb”].main.mark.team.main.label.Text ~= “FRIENDLY” then local mag = (Plane.Position – v.Position).Magnitude if mag < Lowest then Lowest = mag Low = v end end end return Low end function MouseTo(UI) Vec = Vector2.new(UI.X,UI.Y) - Vector2.new(Mouse.X,Mouse.Y) mousemoverel(Vec.X / MouseMovement,Vec.Y / MouseMovement) end function LockOn(P,CurrentlyLocked) local LockPart = nil local CL = nil for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Camera["plane_part_viewmodels"]:GetChildren()) do if v and v:FindFirstChild("air_target_bb") and v["air_target_bb"].main.mark.player.Visible then CL = v end end if not CurrentlyLocked then keypress(0x58) keyrelease(0x58) end local Assist = MainMenu.Billboards:FindFirstChild("assistant") if Assist then local Icon = Assist:FindFirstChild("icon") local Plane = game:GetService("Workspace").viewmodels:FindFirstChild(plr.Name) if Plane and Icon and Icon.Visible and Icon.AbsolutePosition.X < Cam.ViewportSize.X and Icon.AbsolutePosition.Y < Cam.ViewportSize.Y and (P.Position - Plane.Position).Magnitude < 300 then -- Originally this wasn't meant to have a distance/magnitude check, but since the Icon would load in -- early but not be where it was supposed to be I ended up doing a magnitude to the enemy plane... -- This coulc easily be fixed with a distsance check from the enemy plane to the icon though... HMMMMMM LockPart = Icon end end return CL,LockPart end --------- Main Script ------------- if MainMenu:FindFirstChild("Spectate") then -- Game print("In Game") wait(1) if string.find(string.lower(MainMenu["text_alert"].Text),"waiting for",1,true) then wait(5) -- This is a little fast but *eh*, could've added a player check like less than 3 players joins new server if string.find(string.lower(MainMenu["text_alert"].Text),"waiting for",1,true) then ClickUI(game:GetService("Workspace").Spawn.menu["plane_list_buttons"].gui.main["buttons_2"]["return"]) end end while not _G.Stop do if not MainMenu.Deployed.Visible then local Play = game:GetService("Workspace").Spawn.menu["plane_list_buttons"].gui.main["buttons_2"].play repeat wait(.2) until (game:GetService("Workspace").Spawn.menu["plane_list_buttons"].Position - Cam.CFrame.Position).Magnitude < 50 or _G.Stop ClickUI(Play) wait(.5) ClickUI(MainMenu.SpawnMenu.Main.spawn.button) wait(.5) end CurrentlyLocked = nil local Iter = 0 local Direction = 0 while not _G.Stop and not plr.condition.destroyed.Value do game:GetService('RunService').Stepped:wait() LockPart = nil local Vic = Closest() -- Thought about doing it closest to the cursor for a "silent aim" exploit since I pulled a past -- silent aim for some of this code. But *EHHH* if Vic then if CurrentlyLocked == nil then CurrentlyLocked,LockPart = LockOn(Vic,(CurrentlyLocked == Vic.Name)) else CurrentlyLocked,LockPart = LockOn(Vic,(CurrentlyLocked.Name == Vic.Name)) end local Pos,Screen if LockPart then Pos,Screen = Vector2.new(LockPart.AbsolutePosition.X,LockPart.AbsolutePosition.Y),true --I was trying to mess around with this and get it so it would actually properly aim at the icon --But I couldn't get it to in the end Iter = Iter + 1 if Iter < FireLength + ReloadLength then Iter = Iter + 1 mouse1press() --Sometimes the plane doesn't stop shooting when it respawns? Never looked into it --Probably when the round ends and you're still alive so you aren't "destroyed" --Could be fixed by adding a check for the alert_text for "new match" or something elseif Iter < FireLength then Iter = 0 mouse1release() end else Iter = 0 mouse1release() Pos,Screen = Cam:WorldToScreenPoint(Vic.Position) end if not Screen then Vec = Vector2.new(Pos.X,Pos.Y) - Vector2.new(Mouse.X,Mouse.Y) local NewVector = {['X']=Vec.X,['Y']=Vec.Y} NewVector.X = 30 -- I wanted to make it actually turn around properly but never -- really got the X or Y to work so we just spin in circles now 🙂 if Vec.Y > Cam.ViewportSize.Y then NewVector.Y = Cam.ViewportSize.Y elseif Vec.Y < -Cam.ViewportSize.Y then NewVector.Y = -Cam.ViewportSize.Y end mousemoverel(NewVector.X,NewVector.Y/2) wait(.1) else MouseTo(Pos) end end end mouse1release() wait(3) end else -- Menu print("MainMenu") wait(3) -- Instead of a wait, could've waited for the fade UI to go away ClickUI(MainMenu["right_bar"].buttons.play) end


1. Click COPY button for auto copy script
2. Paste the script into your script application
3. Run and done

With these simple steps, players can quickly and easily use the script to improve their Roblox game experience.

"Thebloxscripts.com is a website that gives away free Roblox scripts and started on October 15, 2023. It’s full of fun and engaging stuff that makes it a favorite spot for Roblox fans. Gurveer Singh created this platform with the idea of building a community where gamers can find cool scripts for free."

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