▷ Neighbors Script Roblox: War [Silent AIM]

Neighborhood War offers an exciting script that enhances your gameplay by providing Silent AIM. This feature allows you to easily target and eliminate opponents, making you a formidable player in the game.

Script Name:Neighbors Script Roblox
Script Features:war [Silent AIM]
Use Options:Copy & Download
Update Date:11.07.2024
local RunService = game.GetService(game,”RunService”) local Players = game.GetService(game,”Players”) local Inset = game.GetService(game,”GuiService”).GetGuiInset(game.GetService(game,”GuiService”)) local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local Mouse = Players.LocalPlayer.GetMouse(Players.LocalPlayer) local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local AimSettings = { TeamCheck = false, FriendCheck = false, UseFov = true, FovRadius = 200, } local Circle = Drawing.new(“Circle”) Circle.Filled = false Circle.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0) Circle.Radius = AimSettings.FovRadius Circle.Thickness = 1 local function GetClosestPlayerToFov() local plr, comparePlr local MousePos = Vector2.new(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y) for i,v in pairs(Players.GetChildren(Players)) do local Char = v.Character if v == LocalPlayer then continue end if not LocalPlayer.Character then continue end if not LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild(“HumanoidRootPart”) then continue end if Char and Char.FindFirstChild(Char,”HumanoidRootPart”) and Char.FindFirstChild(Char,”HumanoidRootPart”).Color == LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild(“HumanoidRootPart”).Color then continue end if not v.Character then continue end if LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild(“HumanoidRootPart”) and Char.FindFirstChild(Char, “HumanoidRootPart”) and Char.FindFirstChildWhichIsA(Char,”Humanoid”) and Char.FindFirstChild(Char, “Humanoid”).Health > 0 then local ScreenPos, onScreen = Camera.WorldToScreenPoint(Camera, Char.FindFirstChild(Char, “HumanoidRootPart”).Position) if onScreen then local distance = (MousePos – Vector2.new(ScreenPos.X, ScreenPos.Y)).Magnitude if distance < AimSettings.FovRadius then if comparePlr == nil then comparePlr = v end local DistanceChar = (LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - Char.FindFirstChild(Char, "HumanoidRootPart").Position).Magnitude local DistanceOld = (LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - comparePlr.Character.FindFirstChild(comparePlr.Character, "HumanoidRootPart").Position).magnitude if DistanceChar <= DistanceOld then plr = v end comparePlr = v end end end end return plr end local function getmap() local map = {} for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do if not v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then table.insert(map, v) end end table.insert(map,game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character) game.Players.LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(chare) table.insert(map, chare) end) return map end local map = getmap() local old old = hookfunction(game.Workspace.FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList, newcclosure(function(self, ...) local args = {...} if not checkcaller() and typeof(args[1]) == "Ray" and typeof(args[2]) == "table" and tostring(getcallingscript()) == "client_main" then -- tostring(getcallingscript()) == "client_main" and local nearest = GetClosestPlayerToFov() local ray = args[1] local originz = args[1].Origin local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local PlrChar = player.Character if nearest and nearest.Character and nearest.Character.FindFirstChild(nearest.Character,"Head") and PlrChar and PlrChar:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and getcallingscript().Parent and getcallingscript().Parent.Parent and getcallingscript().Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("handle") and getcallingscript().Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("handle"):FindFirstChild("fire") and ray.Origin == getcallingscript().Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("handle"):FindFirstChild("fire").WorldPosition then local direction = (nearest.Character.FindFirstChild(nearest.Character,"Head").Position - originz).Unit * 1000 args[1] = Ray.new(originz, direction) args[2] = map return old(self, unpack(args)) else return old(self, ...) end end return old(self, ...) end)) RunService.RenderStepped.Connect(RunService.RenderStepped,function() if AimSettings.UseFov then Circle.Position = Vector2.new(Mouse.X + Inset.X, Mouse.Y + Inset.Y) Circle.Visible = true else Circle.Visible = false end end)
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1. Click COPY button for auto copy script
2. Paste the script into your script application
3. Run and done

With these simple steps, players can quickly and easily use the script to improve their Roblox game experience.

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