— [[ Made By: Real King#0001 ]] —
getgenv().kill = true; — set to false then execute to stop
while getgenv().kill == true and task.wait() do
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer and v.Character ~= nil then
local args = {
[1] = v.Character.Humanoid,
[2] = v.Character.Head,
[3] = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
Steps :
- Click go to script button for get script
- Click COPY button for auto copy script
- Paste the script into your script application
- Run and done
Are you ready to rule the PvP arena? The “Krush PvP Script” is your secret weapon now that you’ve made it to the battlefield from our introduction. Just click “Copy and Download” to get this tool, which will help you improve your fighting and planning. This script is made for people who like to compete. It gives you better aim, faster moves, and the tactical edge you need to beat your opponents. Krush PvP is your friend, whether you’re fighting in Roblox tournaments or trying to be the best in other games. Get ready to connect, outsmart, and confidently win. You’re in the arena now, winner!